Saturday, May 7, 2011

Blog Overview

   So as you may can see so far, I tend to be a bit of a geek who likes to rant. I can assure you that you probably won't see as much ranting from here on out as I'm generally a pretty positive guy, but sometimes things just get to me and hell, I gotta vent. For the most part, however, expect in this blog to see a little bit of me spilling my geekdom; be it Star Wars, Doctor Who, comics, games, etc. I may try to sneak in some reviews here and there in the rare occasions where I feel like I know what the hell I'm talking about.

   In addition, I may try to throw some "filler posts" at you in attempt to keep this blog alive and breathing. Some of these may be a 'random thought of the day' or something similar, or perhaps I may feel like going totally off my rocker and spouting pure gibberish. In any case, I will do my best to keep you entertained. Please feel no hesitation in throwing me ideas or any other sort of feedback.



  1. nice to know a little more about the blogger :) seems to be an interesting blog so followed :D

  2. Filler posts make the world go 'round! ;)

  3. I am interested to see how this blog turns out. Good luck!

  4. sounds like your putting alot of effort into it. Cant wait to see future posts
    How to Hack Life.

  5. Why start a blog if not to rant about things that pisses us off? :P Gl with your blog :)

  6. i love star wars as well. great background also.

  7. I'm all for geeky things, don't be afraid to let lose!

  8. I like geek blogs, always find something amusing in them :)

  9. Hey, well I wish you luck with your blog.

  10. Wow, more support for a rant than I even remotely expected. Way to put me on the spot here. Well, hopefully by the end of the day (Sun) I'll be able to write up a halfway decent review for the new Doctor Who ep (for anyone who may care) and I may have to feed the mob and try to come up with a good rant. It'll probably be Star Wars related as that's the easiest to come up with on such short notice. So be on the lookout during the next day or two :) Thanks for the replies, guys.

  11. interested on what comes in the future

  12. Do whatever you want! Write about the things you like most then it'll be a pleasure for us to read it. Looking forward to your next post!

  13. Very nice blog, can't wait for more

  14. I see no problems with "filler" posts

  15. Filler posts are alright with me man

  16. Awesome blog! Was a nice read =D Keep it up, i'm enjoy reading it!

  17. Welcome aboard, interesting blog, following !

  18. Welcome here, good luck with your blog, following!

  19. welcome in the blogging live ;-)

  20. rant away buddy! we all need to have a bit of a rant from time to time, do we? Don't we? OF COURSE WE DO! I know I do my fair share of ranting but its definately not as much as some folks I know. Look, right here, right now, I'm doing it now, again, I've started ranting AGAIN! I just can't help myself. I should get back over to my own blog and keep this flow happening. Peace out homie.

  21. Does the geekdom include gaming? :D
